
There Is No Magic Bullet…Now Get To Work

Or, as Yoda would say if he were a consultant, “No magic bullet, there is. To work now get.” (Thank you Yoda-Speak Generator)

“There has to be a magic bullet.” We hear this a lot in our business from individuals and companies who are struggling to get launched or grow. Everyone believes they are missing just one thing—a magic bullet—that one thing that will solve all their problems.

The bad news is there is no magic bullet…for anything. Not your strategy, growth, marketing, operations, and least of all, YOUR CUSTOMERS. Any vendor or consultant who tells you different is lying. There is only work. Hard work.

The good news is success…in all areas…is possible if you’re willing to take a customer-centric—outside/in—approach to your business.

Listen to WHAT your customers are telling you—or perhaps NOT telling you in some cases. Then uncover the WHY. That’s where the magic lies…now get to work.


Posted in: Customer Experience, Growth

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  1. Toby Cummings October 20, 2015

    It really is just an ethic of rolling it up, taking a bite and putting in the work. No success story really has a magic bullett scenario. Sure luck comes into play on occasion but even that is a fleeting fast moving nymph that one can’t count on catching. Ya don’t get to be a master diver by buying a great dive computer and BC. You spend time and energy learning the dive tables and techniques that make you a success. At least I’m sure that’s what Bruce has probably done.

    • Cathy Carlson October 28, 2015

      You’re exactly right Toby!